
Local postoperative care and burn wound management can present with a certain degree of difficulty in the pediatric population. While the use of skin staples as a method of skin graft fixation is a well-known, rapid and simple method, their removal can be painful and may necessitate some sedation or even general anesthesia. We studied in this article the advantages and economic value of using the cyanoacrylate glue as a fixation method for skin grafts. A comparative study was carried out from 2012 to 2016. Hundred and eighteen infants with burns up to 5% of total body surface area were included in the study. Seventy-two infants had split thickness skin grafts fixed with skin staples. Forty-six infants had split thickness skin grafts fixed with cyanoacrylate glue. We compared the quality of graft, the sedation used during the first postoperative dressing, the length of hospital stay, the amount of glue used and the presence of complications. There is a difference between the two groups studied in terms of age and total burn surface area. The rate of graft take was 100% in both groups. The first postoperative dressing was carried out without the use of powerful analgesia in the cyanoacrylate group, while it was necessary to use general anesthesia in 64% of the skin staples group. The average length of stay in hospital after skin grafting was 4.9days for the cyanoacrylate glue versus 6.5days in the skin staples group. No complications were noted in the 2groups. The use of cyanoacrylate glue allows rapid fixation of skin grafts and avoid general anesthesia for postoperative cares. Subsequently the length of hospital stay is reduced within 25%. The medico-economic value of glue protocol is highly significant compared to skin staples, while having similar good results and without significant problems.

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