
Five series of benzohopanes were identified in a set of immature to early-oil-window early Cretaceous sediments from the ZK1006 well, Chaoyang Basin, NE China. Series a (C31-C35), b (C33-C35), and c (C31-C35) benzohopanes form by different pathways, while the newly-found series d (C31-C34, maybe to C35?) and e (C31-C32, maybe to C35?) benzohopanes have similar formation mechanisms. Series a is usually the predominant benzohopane series, but occasionally samples are dominated by series c benzohopanes. Series b benzohopanes may be associated with terrigenous organic matter. Series a and b benzohopanes are possibly influenced by redox properties, while paleosalinity more likely controls the formation and enrichment of series c benzohopanes. Two novel parameters (a benzohopane index, and the C35/C34 benzohopane ratio) are proposed to be useful paleoenvironmental proxies in the study area. A high benzohopane index and C35/C34 benzohopane ratio may indicate an anoxic environment.

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