
Twelve distinct phenotypic groups of plants were isolated from nondisjunction progenies of 11 translocation heterozygote stocks. All the plants in these phenotypic groups originated in the light weight seed class. Five of the 12 phenotypic groups of plants have been verified as primary trisomics. They are all phenotypically distinguishable from each other and from disomics. One of the five primary trisomic groups, puckered leaf, was directly recovered as a primary trisomic from the original translocation heterozygote progenies. Three of the five trisomics - weak stem, dark green leaf, and convex leaf - originated first as tertiary trisomics. The related primary trisomics were isolated later from progenies of selfed tertiary trisomics. The fifth group, chlorotic leaf, originated at a low frequency among the progenies of three other trisomics: puckered leaf, convex leaf, and dark green leaf. The chlorotic leaf did not set seed under field conditions. The remaining four groups - puckered leaf, dark green leaf, convex leaf, and weak stem - are fertile, though sensitive to high temperature conditions. The transmission rate of the extra chromosome on selfing ranges from 28% to 41%. Physical identification of the extra chromosome has not been achieved for any of the five trisomic groups. Two trisomic groups, dark green leaf and convex leaf, have produced tetrasomics at low frequency. The phenotypes of these two tetrasomics are similar to the corresponding trisomics but more exaggerated.

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