
Five different non-depolarizing muscle relaxants and a control solution of saline were studied as precurarization agents. Two hundred and twenty-two surgical patients (ASA I-II) were allocated in a double-blind fashion to one of the following groups: d-tubocurarine 0.05 mg/kg, alcuronium 0.03 mg/kg, pancuronium 0.01 mg/kg, gallamine 0.25 mg/kg, ORG NC-45 (vecuronium) 0.01 mg/kg and saline solution 0.005 ml/kg. Pretreatment was performed 4 min before administering a 1.5 mg/kg bolus of succinylcholine (SCh). Fasciculations, intubation conditions, duration of neuromuscular blockade after SCh, serum potassium changes and postoperative myalgias (in 60 patients) were recorded. All the drugs studied prevented fasciculations significantly (P less than 0.05) more than in the control group. d-Tubocurarine and alcuronium were superior to the others in this respect. Intubation conditions were best in the control and pancuronium groups, but there was no significant difference between the pancuronium and d-tubocurarine or between the d-tubocurarine and alcuronium groups. Pancuronium pretreatment prolonged the SCh block significantly, whereas other agents shortened the duration of the SCh block. The antagonism of the SCh block apparently also affected intubation conditions, although intubation remained satisfactory. A statistically significant rise in serum potassium level was measured only in the control and pancuronium groups. In the control and pancuronium groups, four patients out of 10 had postoperative myalgias, whereas in the other groups only one or none out of 10 had them (0/10 vs. 4/10; 0.10 greater than P greater than 0.05). In conclusion, d-tubocurarine and alcuronium seem to have advantages over pancuronium, ORG NC-45 and gallamine for precurarization.

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