
Five new species of Cerambycidae from Puerto Rico, Antilleptostylus guilartensis, Leptostylopsis guanica, Leptostylopsis yukiyu, Leptostylopsis monin, and Urgleptes borikensis are described. A new combination, Antilleptostylus brunneofasciatus (Fisher), and new synonymy, Leptostylopsis oakleyi (Fisher) = Leptostylopsis gundlachi (Fisher) are also proposed. Habitus figures of the new species, keys for separating the Puerto Rican species of Leptostylopsis Dillon and Urgleptes Dillon, a key and figures for separating the species of Antilleptostylus Gilmour, a figure to help in separating Leptostylopsis gundlachi Fisher and two new related species, and a figure of some typical elytral color pattern variations in Urgleptes borikensis are presented.

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