
Abstract. The excavation of the Middle Palaeolithic site of Soindres has made possible to observe an exceptionally dilated pedosedimentary sequence, related to the last glaciation. Five levels of Palaeolithic occupation in situ (A, B, C, D, F) have been distinguished in stratigraphy. A sixth is in a reworked position. They were contained in the deposits of the beginning of the last glaciation (Early Weichselian) and are contemporaneous with the isotopic stages 5c to 5a. These lithic industries have similar technical characteristics. Debitage is oriented towards the production of points, blades and flakes. The association of these three « chaînes opératoires » is one of the specific features of the Early Weichselian industries in northern Europe, grouped together under the name of “Technocomplexe du Nord-Ouest”. This cultural current extends from the Seine to the Rhine during the Early Weichselian, during 40,000 years.

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