
There is a growing demand for the rapid determination of hard-to-detect radionuclides in environmental and biological samples for environmental monitoring, radiological protection, and nuclear forensic reasons. A new method using five-column chromatography separation has been developed for the simultaneous determination of Pu, Np, Th, U, Am, Cm, Pm, Y, and Sr isotopes, as well as iron-55, by inductively coupled mass spectrometry (ICPMS), α spectrometry, Čerenkov and liquid scintillation (LS) counting. Spiked swipe and water samples as well as proficient testing water standards were analyzed to validate the separation procedure, and the results are in good agreement with the expected values. The method provides quick sample turnaround time and high analysis throughput with low analysis cost. The flexibility of the method also allows for its easy adaptation to various emergency and routine radioassays.

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