
The house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), is an insect pest of public health and veterinary importance. Spiromesifen is a new chemistry insecticide widely used for the management of sucking insect pests of vegetables and crops. In the present study, assessment of resistance risk and fitness costs associated with spiromesifen resistance in M. domestica was studied. Moreover, stability of resistance to spiromesifen and other tested insecticides (fipronil, spinosad, and bifenthrin) was evaluated in the spiromesifen-selected-strain (SPIRO-SEL-POP). After 7-generations of selection with spiromesifen, SPIRO-SEL-POP developed 108.76-fold resistance compared with the unselected strain (UNSEL-POP). The estimated value of realized heritability was 0.59 for spiromesifen resistance. Due to withdrawal of spiromesifen selection for five generations (F6-F10) on SPIRO-SEL-POP, a decline in LC50 values against spiromesifen, spinosad and bifenthrin was 0.16, 0.14 and 0.13-folds, respectively. In biological trait experiments, larval weight of Cross1 (SPIRO-SEL-POP♀ × UNSEL-POP♂) and SPIRO-SEL-POP was significantly lower than that of Cross2 (SPIRO-SEL-POP♂ × UNSEL-POP♀) and UNSEL-POP. Pupal weight of SPIRO-SEL-POP was higher when compared with Cross1 while it was similar to that of Cross2 and UNSEL-POP. Adult emergence rate of UNSEL-POP was higher than Cross1, but similar to the Cross2 and SPIRO-SEL-POP. The SPIRO-SEL-POP and Cross1 showed the lowest relative fitness when compared with USEL-POP and Cross2. Intrinsic rate of natural increase of SPIRO-SEL-POP was much lower than that of UNSEL-POP and Cross2 followed by Cross1. The SPIRO-SEL-POP exhibited lower biotic potential when compared with UNSEL-POP and Cross2 but similar to Cross1. Fecundity and hatching rates were lower in SPIRO-SEL-POP compared to UNSEL-POP. It could be concluded that spiromesifen resistance in M. domestica comes with a cost and is instable. Therefore, spiromesifen rotation with other insecticides and withdraw of its usage for some period could help to sustain its efficacy by delaying the development of resistance.

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