
Fi-SWoT is a Federated Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the Semantic Web of Things (SWoT). The federation comprises independent and equipotent IoT systems that interact with each other. Fi-SWoT brings together ideas from Semantic Web, context information management, SOA and IoT systems design and, aspires to become a Future Internet (FI) architecture that combines the advantages of all: machine understandable and interoperable devices and services, interconnection and transparency of services and systems in the network. Devices and services of any member of the federation can be discovered and used by users or services over the Web. Fi-SWoT implements advanced system security by means of HTTPS, state-of-the-art user authentication and authorization based on user roles and access policies and, Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality. Fi-SWoT has been implemented in the Google Cloud Platform and evaluated by stressing the system with many thousands of requests.

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