
Abstract Fission spectrum averaged cross sections of twenty one threshold reactions were measured in the core center of YAYOI which was a fast neutron source reactor. Fast neutron spectrum in the core was experimentally determined by using a set of activation foils and micro-fission counters, prior to the cross section measurement. It was found that the shape of the fast neutron spectrum was approximately the same as that of fission neutrons above about 2MeV. This fact was also supported by theoretical calculation. Since this neutron field has scarce thermal and epithermal neutrons, measurement of nuclei produced by threshold reactions is not affected by (n, γ) reactions which are induced by thermal and epithermal neutrons. Moreover, considerably high fast neutron flux (about 5 x 1011n/cm2·sec) enables to measure cross sections of small values. The results in general agreed with the previous values obtained in a reactor core or with a fission plate within an experimental error, while they were systematically smaller by about 10% than those recommended by Fabry. The measured values are also compared with the results calculated by Pearlstein based on a statistical model.

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