
The fission yields of 38 fission products in the fast-neutron induced fission of238U have been determined using a rapid, multiscaling gamma-ray spectroscopic method. To obtain absolute yields for fission products having half-lives ranging from 32 s to 40 d, a total of 56 multi-scaling gamma-ray spectra were collected using various irradiation and cooling periods. Gamma-rays and photopeak areas of interest were assigned to the fission products by their energies and half-lives. Fission product activities were evaluated from spectral data using growth and decay calculations and fission yields were determined by normalizing the140Ba yield to the average value from reported data. The depleted uranium target, covered with a boron-cadmium thermal neutron shield, was used to keep interference from the fission of235U minimal. Results for the cumulative fission yields, including 17 mostly short-lived fission products measured for the first time, are compared with previous measurements and with the recommended yields in recent evaluations. The agreement, and some discrepancies, in the comparisons are discussed. No explicit even-odd pairing effects are observed in the fission yield data for fast-neutron induced fission of238U.

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