
The ranges and relative yields of Sr/sup 91/ and Pd/sup ll2/ fragments from the fission of Ra/sup 226/ by 11 - to 22-Mev protons were determined by a radiochemical recoil-catching technique. The relative yield data indicate that above 11 Mev the threehumped mass-yield curve becomes predominantly symfission threshold of ~10.4 Mev was observed. The curve of total fission yield as a function of energy has the same slope between 13 and 22 Mev as was reported for the fastneutron-induced fission of radium. The ranges in mg Au/cm/sup 2/ at 11 and 20 Mev, respectively, are, Sr/sup 91/: 11.2 plus or minus 0.9 and 10.8 plus or minus 0.2; Pd/sup ll2/: 9.1 plus or minus 1.0 and 9.2 plus or minus 0.3, corresponding to an average total kinetic energy of 162 plus or minus 10 Mev. (auth)

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