
Accelerator driven systems (ADS) are expected to have particle spectra of significantly greater energy range than that of current power reactors. The Energy plus Transmutation (EpT) set-up of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, is designed to emulate the neutron spectrum in a fast ADS through the use of a spallation target surrounded by a blanket of natural uranium. The spectrum is further modified by a reflective layer of polyethylene and an internal absorbing layer of cadmium. The spallation target of EpT was irradiated with a beam of 4GeV deuterons, and the fission rates of bismuth, lead and gold samples, placed in the target-blanket region were recorded using a fission track detector technique. The fission rates were also calculated using the MCNPX Monte Carlo code with the INCL4 cascade model and cross sections for nucleon induced fission obtained from literature. Agreement between the measured and calculated results indicates the model’s ability to predict the particle spectra and spatial distribution.

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