
AbstractStructural or operational changes to fishways can improve fish passage efficiency, but there is often uncertainty regarding which improvements will be most effective. We developed a “bottleneck relief” model using Kaplan–Meier methods to help managers assess where remediation efforts are likely to provide the largest increases in fishway passage. The simulation model uses a matrix of observed efficiency estimates from fishway subsections and incorporates multiple passage attempts by individual tagged fish. In a case study application to test the model, we used radiotelemetry data from 2,170 adult Pacific Lampreys Entosphenus tridentatus at Bonneville Dam (Columbia River, Washington–Oregon), which features multiple fishways and low lamprey passage success (mean fishway passage efficiency ∼0.50; n = 10 years). The model was run iteratively to test potential dam passage benefits from improving efficiency in 20 individual fishway segments. The highest benefits were for improvements at top‐of‐fishway segments and at sites where passage routes converged. Benefits were lower for segments used by fewer fish, segments located downstream from serious bottlenecks, and segments with a limited scope for improvement (i.e., efficiency was already high). The model provides a flexible and objective method for assessing complex fish passage problems and informing remediation decision making.Received December 19, 2013; accepted March 11, 2014

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