
Fishtail points (FTP) related to the terminal Pleistocene peopling of the South American continent present morphological, technological and functional variability. We discuss a collection of FTP recovered from central east Tandilia Range in the Pampas of Argentina. We do this by exploring the life histories of a set of 97 FTP, assessing aspects of production, use and discard through morphological, macro-fracture, and fatty acids and sterols analysis. We identify four categories: miniatures, “atypical FTP”, medium-sized and large points. Although possibly all were related to the realm of hunting, only medium and large points have clear indications of use as parts of weapons. Transformation due to maintenance, impact or recycling indicates their longevity and the complexity of their life histories. Miniatures are considered representations of full sized points and large points also possibly held a special status, requiring great flintknapping skill. As artifacts covering different roles and used in different social practices repeat the FTP outline, we sustain this shape must have held some significance for the people who produced and used them. Other aspects related to FTP use lives which probably were laden with meaning are the choice of colored and translucent toolstone and their intentional place of discard.

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