
ABSTRACTFisheries management has an important role in sustaining fisheries-dependent cultures. We describe the cultural values of the Mōtū kahawai (Arripis trutta) fishery for Te Whānau-a-Hikarukutai/Ngāti Horomoana (TWAH/NH). Using a kaupapa-Māori approach and culturally appropriate social science methods, cultural values of the Mōtū kahawai fishery were shared. The Identified Cultural Influence (ICI) index determined if kahawai is a cultural keystone species (CKS) for TWAH/NH. TWAH/NH have developed distinct, centuries-old wisdom, protocols and practices through their interactions with the kahawai. The fishery contributes to their identity and the ICI results suggest that kahawai is TWAH/NH’s CKS. Indigenous knowledge and management systems can provide sustainable management practices improving how cultural values connected to fisheries are enhanced. We recommend culturally appropriate information sharing and analysis methods used here, for efficiently describing the cultural significance of fisheries. Increasing the CKS fisheries recognised will emphasise the need for fisheries managers to sustain cultural values.

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