
The Fisher Man Border Crossing Alert System is a innovative solution designed to enhance the safety and security of fishermen operating near maritime borders. The system integrates real-time tracking technology with border surveillance data to provide timely alerts to fishermen when they approach or cross maritime borders. Fishermen are forced to accidently cross borders where they run the risk of being murdered or captured. It is difficulty in identifying the marine borders between countries. The system is intended to prevent such accidents and to warn fisherman about border areas in advance. Maximum risks occur for fishermen in situations where they travel on a boat for fishing. In some situations, they should not move after some point and they should not enter into other countries area. It can be extensively used by people in the Sea border to find the path to reach the destination. The notification will be sent to the border security forces which act as the server to all other devices that are operated by people in ships. The fishermen crosses the sub border then the warning signal is given to both the countries and alarm is indicated to fisher men

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