
Before 1968, fishery development in Indonesia concentrated on the artisanal fisheries. No significant progress was made until the emphasis changed to the commercial fisheries, as part of the first 5-year development plan of 1969–74. The new approach was on economics and marketing instead of on production. A long-term plan over 25 years has been prepared, divided into 5-year operational plans.Indonesia has important fishery resources, especially pelagic stocks. Large extents of continental shelves also provide the possibility of increased trawl fishing, especially for shrimp. Conditions are also favorable for aquaculture. The position of the country between two oceans and two continents locates it favorably to exploit the tunas of both the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and to maintain a flow of fishery products to international markets. Manpower is abundant and relatively cheap.The program to develop artisanal fisheries concentrates on increasing the income per capita of fishermen through developing fish marketing and production. Commercial fisheries are concentrating on production of export products, especially shrimp, skipjack, and tuna, to earn foreign exchange. Effective and efficient administration is being formed to carry out fisheries development, involving the reorganization of the Central and Regional Fisheries agencies. Staff are being upgraded, training and education are being reviewed, and research is being intensified.New laws have resulted in the establishment of eight domestic companies with a total investment of $27 million (US). Exports of fishery products have significantly increased, especially shrimp. Marketing is improved through the establishment of a cold chain, which is expected to lead to improved quality of products and increased earnings for fishermen.The goals of the first 5-year plan include: establishment of large-scale fishing industries, to export products valued at $30–40 million (US) per year; establishment of marketing facilities for fresh fish distribution in the most populated areas; raising artisanal fisheries to a level where they can independently sustain growth; establishment of an effective research system; establishment of an effective education and training system; establishment of fisheries cooperatives; improvement of the administration of fisheries.

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