
The research mainly aims to study fish marketing in Salah al-Din Governorate / Tikrit district for the year (2022) by measuring marketing costs, marketing margins, and the share of the producer, wholesaler, and retailer from the distribution of consumer dinars, Calculate marketing efficiency and know the level of competence for each of the producer, intermediaries, wholesalers, and retailers, and find strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities through (SWOT) analysis, A stratified random sample was selected in the study area consisting of (73) fish producers in the district, and the information related to the study was collected through the questionnaire that was designed for producers. Then, information on camel traders was collected through a questionnaire distributed to (25) wholesale market traders, and then information on retail traders was collected through a questionnaire number (25) distributed to retail market traders. The marketing costs of the product, wholesalers, and retailers, respectively, amounted to (1090, 746.1, 235.75) dinars/kg, and the absolute and relative marketing margin between the wholesaler and the producer amounted to (1250) dinars/kg (23.8%), and the absolute and relative marketing margin between the retailer and the merchant Total (1750) dinars/kg (25%), And between the retailer and the producer, it amounted to (3000) dinars/kg (42%), and the share of the producer, the wholesaler, and the retailer in consumer dinars, respectively, was (57.15%), (17.85%), (25%,)As for the marketing efficiency, according to the first scale, it reached (62.26%), and the marketing efficiency according to the second scale, in the three stages of the product and wholesale, amounted to (73.22%), retail and wholesale, it amounted to (66.14%), and finally, for retail and product, it was (53.25%). As for marketing efficiency according to the third scale, it amounted to (21.59%). We conclude from this that there is a difference in marketing efficiency according to the three formulas because of the difference in prices, production, and marketing costs, The study recommends giving importance to scientific research for fish in terms of production, costs and marketing because of its nutritional importance and the provision of job opportunities and a comprehensive study of the fish market in Salah Governorate and seizing opportunities and avoiding potential risks and identifying needs and requirements and identifying products required for consumers because of their importance in increasing production efficiency, marketing and consumption optimal allocation of resources, achieving stability and encouraging growth.

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