
Fish resources Information urgently needed by development planners in fisheries sectors,especially for fisheries development. The fisheries resources utilization in East Java tends to be overexploited.This caused uncertainty of fishing activities for the traditional fishermen in the East Java waters. Some studies ofpopulation dynamics and fish stock assessment described fisheries resources exploitation in some areas of EastJava was on fully exploited to overexploited condition. The aim of this research were; [1] to know sustainablepotential and total allowable catch of fisheries resources in the area of Pasuruan regency, Probolinggo Regency,and Banyuwangi regency; [2] tho know the utilization status of fisheries resources in the area of Pasuruanregency, Probolinggo Regency, and Banyuwangi regency; and [3] to determine the empowerment strategy forfishermen community in order to utilize fisheries resources in the area of Pasuruan regency, ProbolinggoRegency, and Banyuwangi regency. The analyses were done through the calculation of sustainability potential,and total allowable catch, and determine the controlling strategy of fisheries resources utilization. The studydescribed that the comparison analysis of fishing trip data, fish catch and total allowable catch in the sustainablecondition was in the overexploited condition. Moreover, based on the analysis of fisheries resources utilizationstatus in the research area, the controlling strategy was created based on the recommendation of all stakeholders.This strategy including the management of the fishing area, management of fishing time, and determine ifalternative activities in the scope of both fisheries and non-fisheries sectors. These strategies can be used as abasic data in determining an empowerment strategy for fishermen in the fisheries resources utilization. Thesestrategies including accompaniment approach and information services through community and ecosystem-basedof fisheries resources management.

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