
A new method for the calculation of the first-order intermolecular exchange energy is proposed. It is based on the partition of two-particle density matrices of monomers into the antisymmetrized product of one-particle density matrices and the remaining cumulant part. This partition is used to modify the formula for the first-order exchange energy developed by Moszynski et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 100, 5080 (1994)]. The new expression has been applied for the case of monomer density matrices derived from the expectation value expression for the coupled cluster singles and doubles wave function. In this way an accurate method of calculation of the first-order exchange energy for many-electron systems has been obtained, where both monomers are described on the coupled cluster level. Numerical results are presented for several benchmark van der Waals systems to illustrate the performance of the new approach.

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