
The major purpose of this investigation was to ascertain through the use of confirmatory maximum likelihood factor analysis (CM-LFA) (Joreskog and Sorbom, 1989b) how accurately each of several hypothesized combinations of first-order and higher-order factors reflecting creativity in social intelligence for a sample of 192 high school students in a middle-class suburban community could describe the covariation within selected submatrixes taken from the total correlation matrix originally analyzed by Hendricks, Guilford, and Hoepfner (1969). Exploratory factor analyses involving both orthogonal (varimax) and oblique (promax) solutions were also completed and compared with the original orthogonal factor analysis of the total correlation matrix by Hendricks et al. The exploratory factor analyses showed a moderate degree of correspondence with the solution offered by Hendricks et al. It was concluded that CMLFA lent support to hypothesized first- and higher-order factors within the context of Guilford's structure-of-intellect model.

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