
Abstract We present a 23-year-old woman was admitted due to vaginal bleeding at 14 weeks of gestation to our outpatient clinic. At 16th week of gestation, ultrasound examination showed a massive subchorionic hemorrhage at the anterior wall of the uterus with a size of 10 cm in length, 8 cm in width, and 2.2 cm in depth and extending to the posterior wall of the uterus through the cervix. At the 32 weeks of gestation the subchorionic hematoma disappeared. At the 38th week of the gestation successful vaginal delivery was performed without any complication. A good perinatal outcome was obtained with careful surveillance of maternal and fetal condition. Keywords: Subchorionic hemorrhage, first trimester, pregnancy. Ozet Poliklinigimize 14. gebelik haftasinda vajinal kanama sikayeti ile basvuran 23 yasindaki bir bayan hastayi sunuyoruz. Gebeligin 16. haftasinda yapilan ultrasonografi boyutlari 10 cm uzunlugunda, 8 cm genisliginde ve 2.2 cm derinliginde olan, uterus on duvardan baslayarak serviksi katedip uterus arka duvara uzanan buyuk bir subkoryonik hemorajiyi gostermistir. Gebeligin 32. haftasinda subkoryonik hematom kaybolmustur. Gebeligin 38. haftasinda komplikasyonsuz olarak basarili bir vajinal dogum gerceklestirilmistir. Maternal ve fetal durumun dikkatli takibi ile iyi bir perinatal sonuc elde edilmistir. Anahtar sozcukler: Subkoryonik hemoraji, ilk trimester, gebelik.

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