
A 26-year-old primigravida came to our Fetal Medicine Center for first trimester aneuploidy screening at 13 weeks. Ultrasound was done using Voluson E8 (GE Healthcare , Milwaukee, WI, USA) with convex abdominal 4–8 MHz transducer and transvaginal 15–20 MHz transducer. On abdominal imaging, there was cardiomegaly with tricuspid regurgitation. On transvaginal scan, clear cardiac disproportion with a small left atrium and ventricle were seen (Fig. 1). On application of color Doppler, the flow across the mitral and aortic valves was negligible with hyperdynamic flow on the right side with tricuspid regurgitation (Figs. 2, 3). Foramen ovale was opening on the right side and the flow in the arch of aorta was reversed. Fig. 1 An axial image of the fetal chest on transvaginal sonography at 13 weeks showing a grossly-enlarged heart with a clear ventricular disproportion (Right[[[Left)

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