
Understanding the habitat preferences of large marine vertebrates has only recently become tractable with the widespread availability of satellite telemetry for monitoring movements and behaviour. For many species with low population abundances, however, little progress has been made in identifying space use patterns. The endothermic porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, has declined in the North Atlantic due to severe fishing pressure, with little evidence of recovery. One potential factor exacerbating population decline is area fidelity to coastal waters where fisheries are intensive. We tested for short-term area fidelity by attaching pop-up satellite-linked archival transmitters to four porbeagles in summer 2007, resulting in 175 days total tracking time covering an estimated 10,256 km distance. Throughout July and August the sharks occupied localised areas (8,602 – 90,153 km 2) within the Celtic Sea, between the south-west UK, south-west Wales and southern Ireland. Only one shark was tracked into the autumn, when it moved into deep water off the continental shelf, then north towards colder latitudes. Sharks occupied a broad vertical depth range (0 – 552 m) and water temperatures (9° - 19 °C). Dives were made frequently from the surface to near the seabed in shelf areas, however, in shelf edge habitats extended periods of time were spent at depths > 300 m. Porbeagles showed considerable plasticity in diel depth changes within and between individuals and as a function of habitat type. In addition to no obvious day-night difference in depth occupation, some sharks showed reverse diel vertical migration (DVM) (dawn ascent – dusk descent) in well-mixed coastal waters whereas normal DVM (dawn descent – dusk ascent) characterised movements into deeper, thermally well-stratified waters. The variable behaviours may reflect the need for different search strategies depending on habitat and prey types encountered. These results show porbeagles are potentially vulnerable to fisheries throughout the summer when they aggregate, and that large scale movement across national boundaries identifies the need for international conservation measures.

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