
The panoramic Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer IBIS, installed at the Dunn Solar Telescope of NSO-Sacramento Peak (NM), has been employed to investigate the interaction between photospheric flows and network magnetic elements in a supergranular cell near the solar disk center. High spectral resolution observations of the Fe I 709.0 nm and Fe II 722.4 nm spectral lines were used to compute vertical and horizontal velocities of the granulation field at two heights in the photosphere. The same data were used to compute spectral line parameters as core intensity or equivalent width. Monochromatic images on the wing of the Ca II 854.2 nm line are used as proxy of small network magnetic elements. The analysis of photospheric vertical velocities shows that segmented magnetic structures match downward velocities in the iron lines Doppler images. The identical magnetic regions correspond to low contrast features in Fe I 709.0 nm core intensity images. Finally, the horizontal divergence maps show that the supergranule edge is outlined by velocity convergences.

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