
Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd., the cause of soybean rust, was first observed in the continental United States in November 2004 (2). During the growing season of 2005, P. pachyrhizi was confirmed on soybean (Glycine max) and/or kudzu (Pueraria montana) in nine states in the southern United States. It is known that P. pachyrhizi has a much larger host range within the Fabaceae family. On 29 September 2005 in Quincy, FL, 45 entries of mostly large-seeded legumes were planted next to soybeans that were infected with P. pachyrhizi. Several seeds of each entry were planted on one hill. Soybean plants growing adjacent to these potential hosts had 15 to 25% of the leaf area affected, 95% incidence, and 73% defoliation on 16 November. On 7 December 2005, all the plants of Phaseolus coccineus L. (scarlet runner bean, PI311827), Phaseolus lunatus L. (lima bean, PI583558), and two Phaseolus vulgaris L. (kidney bean) cvs. Red Hawk and California Early Light Red Kidney (CELRK) were found to have leaves with suspected rust lesions. These plants were at physiological maturity but had not senesced. None of the hosts had been inoculated other than from spores produced by the adjacent rust-infected soybean plants or from unknown locations. On the basis of microscopic examination, suspected infected leaves from plants of the Phaseolus spp. had rust pustules characteristic of P. pachyrhizi uredinia. Uredinia were counted within a randomly selected 2-cm2 area of one leaf of each sample. The mean and range of uredinia per lesion for Phaseolus coccineus was 29 uredinia with a range of 0 to 3 uredinia per lesion, Phaseolus lunatus had 2 uredinia with 0 to 1 uredinium per lesion, Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Red Hawk had 22 uredinia with 0 to 5 uredinia per lesion, and Phaseolus vulgaris cv. CELRK had 43 uredinia with 0 to 4 uredinia per lesion. Polymerase chain reactions using two sets of primers (Ppa1/Ppa2 and Pme1/Pme2) were performed on DNA extracted from leaves of the three species with sporulating rust pustules (1). The results of these tests and further tests conducted by the USDA/APHIS confirmed that P. pachyrhizi was the causal organism for the observed rust.

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