
Typical symptoms of corky root were observed on iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in Queensland, Australia. Slowgrowing bacteria with colonies similar to strains of Rhizomonas suberifaciens or other Rhizomonas species were isolated from lettuce seedlings which had been inoculated with an extract from soil adhering to lettuce roots with corky root symptoms. DNA from all strains was tested for DNA homology with DNA from strain CAI of R. suberifaciens and strain W14 of Rhizomonas sp. Twenty seven strains had moderate (29.2–57.7%) to high (59.9–80.9%) DNA homology with strain CAI and slight (4.8–10.8%) DNA homology with strain WI4. All of these strains induced typical symptoms of corky root on lettuce seedlings, cv. Salinas, and tested positive in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with monoclonal antibody MAb-Rs1 specific for R. suberifaciens. This is the first report of R. suberifaciens causing corky root of lettuce in Australia.

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