
During the rainy season in Vietnam, leaf blight disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani often occurs on 3- to 5-year-old durian (Durio zibethinus). Symptoms appear as large, pale brown, blighted lesions with an irregular border. In excessive moisture conditions, yellowish white hyphae appear on the lesions, and the affected leaves turn dark brown and wilt. There are no reports describing the anastomosis groups (AG) and subgroups of Rhizoctonia solani occurring in durian. In June of 2004, two isolates of R. solani were obtained from leaf blight lesions on durian growing in Binh Duong and Dong Nai provinces. The durian isolates were identified as AG 1 based on hyphal anastomosis. In pathogenicity tests, the durian isolates infected cucumber, mung bean, and leaf mustard seedlings grown on water agar in petri dishes. The rDNA-ITS sequence of the durian isolates was determined (GenBank Accession Nos. EF197797 and EF197798) and aligned with those of AG 1-IA, AG 1-IB, AG 1-IC, and AG 1-ID available in the GenBank database. The sequence similarity of the total rDNA-ITS region (including 5.8S) within the durian isolates was 99.9%. The sequence similarity of the durian isolates and AG 1-ID isolates was 99.1 to 100%, but similarity with other AG 1 subgroups was 89.1 to 94.0%. The results suggest that the two Vietnam durian isolates of R. solani are members of AG 1-ID. AG 1-ID has only been reported causing necrotic leaf spots on coffees in the Philippines (1). To our knowledge, this is the first report of R. solani AG 1-ID on durian and the first report of the presence of R. solani AG 1-ID in Vietnam. Reference: (1) A. Priyatmojo et al. Phytopathology 91:1054, 2001.

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