
Phytoplasma strains were sporadically found in specimens of Hishimonus hamatus, Japananus hyalinus and Graphocephala fennahi caught during an entomological survey conducted in Southern Switzerland on the edges and woods surrounding cultivated vineyards in 2017. The subsequent molecular characterization of the pathogens allowed to identify them as strains strictly associated to Flavescence dorée, a serious European grapevine disease, transmitted from vine to vine by the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus. In particular, M12 and M50 genotypes were found in H. hamatus and J. hyalinus, respectively, while G. fennahi harboured mixed phytoplasma genotypes with at least two different Flavescence dorée isolates. The potential importance of these findings in the frame of the Flavescence dorée epidemics in Europe is discussed.

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