
In May of 2006, approximately 10,000 cuttings of bottlebrushes (Callistemon cvs. Laevis, Hannah Ray, Kings Park Special, Masotti Mini Red, and Rose Opal with either C. viminalis (Soland. ex Gaertn.) Cheel. [excluded] or C. citrinus (Curtis) Skeels as one parent) grown in a nursery in eastern Sicily (Italy) exhibited severe disease symptoms including damping-off, leaf spots, and collar and root rot. Initially, the infections were detected on approximately 30% of the cuttings, but by late September 2006, 70% of the plants had symptoms. A Cylindrocladium sp. was consistently isolated from the diseased portions of plants onto potato dextrose agar. To determine the species, single-conidial isolates of the fungus were cultured on carnation leaf agar (CLA) for 7 days at 25°C with 12 h of light/dark conditions. Only the mycelia and spores growing on the carnation leaves were examined with a light microscope, and the isolates were identified as Cylindrocladium scoparium Morgan (teleomorph Calonectria morganii Crous, Alfenas & M.J. Wingf.) on the basis of their pyriform to broadly ellipsoidal terminal vesicles, conidiophore branching pattern, and conidia (1). In addition, the ability of the colonies to mate with South African tester strains of C. scoparium (2,3) confirmed the identification. Koch's postulates were fulfilled by inoculating 10 cuttings for each bottlebrush accession with a spore suspension (105 conidia per ml) of one isolate of the pathogen (DISTEF-GCs7) obtained from 14-day-old single-spore colonies grown on CLA at 24°C under fluorescent cool white lights with 12 h of light/dark. Following inoculation, all plants were maintained in plastic bags in a growth chamber at 25 ± 1°C and 90 to 95% relative humidity. The same number of cuttings was used as a control. Damping-off, crown root rot, and leaf spots symptoms identical to those observed in the nursery appeared within 5 to 20 days. No symptoms were detected on the control plants. C. scoparium was reisolated from the artificially infected tissues. The isolate, used in the pathogenicity proof, was deposited at the Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (Accession No. CBS 120930). The presence of C. scoparium was detected for the first time in Italy on mastic tree in 2005 (3). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. scoparium on bottlebrush in Italy and it represents the first information about the susceptibility of these Callistemon cultivar accessions to the fungus and confirms the spread of the pathogen in Sicilian ornamental nurseries.

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