
Eryngium amethystinum (amethyst sea holly) is a herbaceous plant commonly grown as an ornamental perennial in U.S.D.A. hardiness zones 3 to 8. The plant thrives in dry areas with infertile soils and the flowers are often used in dried floral arrangements. Canna spp. (Canna), soft perennials (U.S.D.A. zone 9 and above), are becoming popular flowering plants because of their bright flowers and spectacular foliage. There are a variety of species that fall under the heading Canna spp., of which the most popular are C. glauca, C. indica, C. edulis, and C. iridiflora. Hybrids of Aquilegia (garden columbine), a hardy perennial (U.S.D.A. zones 3 to 9), flower in late spring through early summer. The genus is made up of a wide variety of cultivars. E. amethystinum exhibiting severe mosaic, yellowing, and stunting, along with Canna plants exhibiting severe stunting, chlorotic and distorted foliage, and mosaic, and garden columbine plants exhibiting stunting, leaf curl, chlorosis, and mosaic, collected from commercial plantings throughout the central Ohio area, were analyzed for the presence of virus infection with viral-associated, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) analysis. dsRNA analysis resulted in a banding profile typical of that seen with members of the cucumovirus family of plant viruses. Plants positive for cucumovurus-like dsRNA were tested with a direct antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA results confirmed the presence of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in all symptomatic plants tested. No evidence of dsRNA or CMV was found in any of the asymptomatic plants tested. Because all of these hosts are common in the perennial garden, they could serve as a reservoir host of CMV for other plants in the garden. This is the first report of CMV in E. amethystinum, Canna spp., and Aquilegia hybrids in Ohio.

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