
A naturally infected tomato plant showing stunting and necrosis in the apical leaves was tested for viruses by ELISA using polyclonal antisera (Loewe). The sample tested positive for Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), and negative for Arabis mosaic virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, Pepino mosaic virus, Potato virus X, Potato virus Y, Tomato spotted wilt virus and Tomato bushy stunt virus. Leaf extracts were not infective by mechanical inoculation to Cucumis sativus, and induced necrotic local lesions on Datura stramonium, Petunia hybrida, Chenopodium quinoa, Nicotiana glutinosa, Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi, and pepper (Capsicum annuum) cvs Pekin (Fito SA) and Oman (Seminis), which carry the L4 gene for resistance to Pepper mild mottle virus and TMV. Systemic infections produced chlorotic mosaic in Solanum nigrum, tomato cvs Marmande and Roma and a nonresistant pepper hybrid C0103-4 (Fito SA); necrotic mosaic and stunting in tomato cvs Bodar and Lisboa (Seminis), ref. 537 (Fito SA) carrying the Tm-22 gene; and leaf and stem necrosis in pepper cvs Delfos (Fito SA), Lido and Atlantic (Seminis) carrying the L1 gene for TMV resistance. A product of the expected size (419 nt) was amplified from nucleic acid extracts obtained from infected tomato cv. Marmande by RT-PCR using the primers 1F (5′-TGCAGCAAAGGTAATAGTAG-3′ position 1841–1860) and 1R (5′-CCGAACTTTTGACGAGTTTC-3′ position 2280–2289), based on ToMV sequence AJ 417701 (NCBI). Sequence analysis using blast (NCBI) showed 99·63% homology with ToMV strain L11A (AB083196), which is able to overcome the resistance conferred by the tomato Tm-22 gene (Yamamoto et al., 2002). No amplicons were produced using TMV-specific primers designed from TMV sequence AJ 011933 (NCBI), suggesting the reaction to the TMV antiserum was due to a cross-reaction. Important losses in pepper crops caused by ToMV have been reported in Spain (Alonso et al., 1989); however this is the first report from Spain of a ToMV variant that overcomes the Tm-22 resistance gene in tomato.

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