
Genus of Gambierdiscus, Ostrepsis, Prorocentrum, Coolia and Amphidinium are epiphytic ciguatoxin-producing armored dinoflagellate, often attached on macroalgae. These organisms are the primary causative agent of ciguatera fish poisoning which occurs in tropical and subtropical regions. However, regardless of the fact that population of epiphytic dinoflagellates have expanded to such temperate areas from sub-trophic and trophic areas, monitoring of the epiphytic dinoflagellates was greatly lacked in coastal water of Korean Peninsula. This study was performed in the Korean Peninsula in November, 2011. Cell densities of Gambierdiscus spp. on macroalgae ranged from zero to 10 cells g and the maximum density was recorded at St.18 (Pohang guryongpo). The abundance of Ostreopsis spp. was highest on macro-algaes Chondrus ocellatus, Lomentaria catenata and Plocamium telfairiae (140 cells g). The maximum abundance of Prorocentrum, Coolia and Amphidinium were 52, 3 and 1 cells g, respectively. Of these, Prorocentrum lima was observed at most stations of East Sea. Therefore, our results suggest that the epiphytic armored dinoflagellates may have adapted to Korean coastal water of temperate areas (i.e., East Sea) and those abundances may be related to the macroalgal species.

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