
From February to August 1993 and from November 1993 to February 1994 seabird occurrence around Isla del Coco (OS030'N, 87°03'W), Costa Rica, was recorded as part of a larger field study on dolphin ecology. This note reports the first known records of Diomedea irrorata and Creagrus frcatus, and nesting of Sula dactylatra at Isla del Coco.


  • Diomedea irrorat a: A s ingle D. irrorata (Procellariformes: Diomedeidae) was sighted on May 7, 1993, flying close to the water surface, about 1 km northeast of Montagne islet (OS031'N, 87°02'W)

  • Immatures S. d a ctylatra have ' bee n observed roosting o n several islets and adults fed throughout the two seasons alongside S. leucog ast er and S. sula

  • Funding was provided by the Marine Mammal Research Prpgram, Texas A&M University at Galveston; Parque Nacional Isla del Coco, and the Embassy óf The Netherlands in Costa Rica

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Diomedea irrorat a: A s ingle D. irrorata (Procellariformes: Diomedeidae) was sighted on May 7, 1993, flying close to the water surface, about 1 km northeast of Montagne islet (OS031'N, 87°02'W). Sula dactylatra: Between February and August 1993, and from Novemb e r 1993 through February 1994, three adult pairs of Sula dacty­ latra (Pelecaniformes: Sulidae) roosted at the inner islet of Dos Amigos (OS031'N, 87°Q6'W).

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