
Despite the medical importance of sandflies as vectors (Diptera: Phlebotominae) of Leishmania spp., immature stages of phlebotomine sandflies have never been found in the wild in Mexico. In the present investigation, we sought to identify specific microhabitats associated with the presence of sandfly immature stages. Field work was conducted in 11 localities of the Yucatan Peninsula and we collected soil samples from each site during two periods (November 2007 to April 2008, November 2008). Soil samples were transported to our base camp and were processed using the Berlese's funnels. We processed a total 242 soil samples with an average weight of 362 ± (SD) 317 gr. From these samples, we were able to recover 51 phlebotomine larvae in five different microhabitats and largest number was obtained from mammal burrows (88%) and from tree-buttresses of Brosimium alicastrum (Berg) (6%). We identified larval microhabitat for Brumptomyia hamata (Fairchild & Hertig) and those specimens provided the material to describe for the first time the fourth instar larva. We also include information of a larval microhabitat of Lutzomyia cruciata (Coquillett). In addition, we recorded a total of 4872 arthropods from 15 taxa in all those soil samples in which sandfly larvae were found, being Collembola (76%) and Acari (10%) the most abundant.

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