
Cenopalpus wainsteini (Livshitz and Mitrofanov, Proceedings Nikitsky Botanic Garden 39:1-72, 1967), a mite species in the family Tenuipalpidae, was discovered on Pinus sylvestris Thumb. in Lima, Peru, and represents the first record of this species in the Americas. Previously, only Cenopalpus pulcher (Canestrini and FanzagoAcari Academia Cientifico Veneto 5:130-142,1876) and C. officinalis (Papaioannou-Souliotis, Annals Institut Phytopathology Benaki 15:11-27, 1986) have been reported from the Nearctic and Neotropic regions. The current paper describes and illustrates the morphological characters of female, deutonymph, protonymph and includes the first description of the larval stage of the species. Species of C. wainsteini collected in Peru were compared with specimens collected in Italy, as well as with the original description by Livschitz and Mitrofanov of specimens from Ukraine and the re-description of the species by Arabuli and Kvavadze Int J Acarology 39(7): 538-541 (2013) based on specimens collected in Georgia. Furthermore, notes on Cenopalpus lineola (Canestrini and Fanzago1876) are included since it is frequently associated with C. wainsteini. Severe damage symptoms caused by this flat mite on its host plants were observed and are discussed herein.

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