
The (111), (110), and (001) surfaces properties of PuO2 are studied by using density-functional theory+U method. The total-energy static calculations determine the relative order of stability for low-index PuO2 surfaces, namely, O-terminated (111)>(110)>defective (001)>polar (001). The effect of thickness is shown to modestly modulate the surface stability and chemical activity of the (110) surface. The high work function Φ of 6.19eV indicates the chemical inertia of the most stable (111) surface, and the surface O-vacancy with concentration CV=25% can efficiently lower Φ to 4.35eV, which is a crucial indicator of the difference in the surface chemical activities between PuO2 and α-Pu2O3. For the polar (001) surface, 50% on-surface O-vacancy can effectively quench the dipole moment and stabilize the surface structure, where the residual surface oxygen atoms are arranged in a zigzag manner along the 〈100〉 direction. We also investigate the relative stability of PuO2 surfaces in an oxygen environment. Under oxygen-rich conditions, the stoichiometric O-terminated (111) is found to be the most stable surface. Whereas under O-reducing conditions, the on-surface O-vacancy of CV=1/9 is stable, and for high reducing conditions, the (111) surface with nearly one monolayer subsurface oxygen removed (CV=8/9) becomes most stable.

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