
Metal halide perovskites are crystalline materials with a sharp increase in popularity and rapidly becoming a major contender for optoelectronic device applications. In this work, we provide the optoelectronic features of a possible novel candidate, ZSnCl3 (Z = Na/K) Sn-based on a detailed numerical simulation. The output of the current computations is compared to the results that are currently available, and a respectable agreement is noted. The studied compounds were cubic in nature and structurally stabe. The mechanical properties reflectthe mechanical stability and ductility of the proposed materials. The Sn-based single perovskite compounds proposed in this study are mechanically stable and ductile. The narrow direct band gap for NaSnCl3 and KSnCl3 are 1.36 eV and 1.47 eV, respectively, using the HSE06 hybrid function with the Boltztrp2 integrated in Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) software. The effective use of these compounds in perovskite solar cells and other optoelectronic applications was confirmed by optical absorption spectral measurements conducted in the photon energy range of 0-20 eV.

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