
Intraoviductal oocyte transfer in combination with in vivo fertilization has arisen as an alternative method to induce pregnancies from cryopreserved oocytes in rabbits. In this study, offspring were obtained for the first time from vitrified rabbit oocytes using this technique. In all the experiments, recipients were artificially inseminated 9 hours before oocyte transfer. Cryopreserved (vitrified and slow-frozen) and noncryopreserved (fresh) oocytes were transferred into both oviducts, which were immediately closed using cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive to block the entry of the recipient's own oocytes. Three transferred group females that received vitrified oocytes became pregnant and delivered a total of nine live young naturally. The results revealed that there were no differences in the live birth rate between vitrified and slow-frozen oocytes (5.5% and 4.4%, respectively). When fresh oocytes were transferred, this rate increased to 19.2%, whereas in the control females (nontransferred) the rate of offspring obtained was 71.4%. This is the first reported result of the development to term of vitrified rabbit oocytes and suggests that an in vivo environment could help improve the results of oocyte cryopreservation.

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