
We consider the statistical properties of arrival times and balls on first-passage percolation (FPP) two-dimensional square lattices with strong disorder in the link times. A previous work showed a crossover in the weak disorder regime, between Gaussian and Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality, with the crossover length decreasing as the noise amplitude grows. On the other hand, this work presents a very different behavior in the strong-disorder regime. An alternative crossover length appears below which the model is described by bond-percolation universality class. This characteristic length scale grows with the noise amplitude and diverges at the infinite-disorder limit. We provide a thorough characterization of the bond-percolation phase, reproducing its associated critical exponents through a careful scaling analysis of the balls, which is carried out through a continuous mapping of the FPP passage time into the occupation probability of the bond-percolation problem. Moreover, the crossover length can be explained merely in terms of properties of the link-time distribution. The interplay between the characteristic length and the correlation length intrinsic to bond percolation determines the crossover between the initial percolation-like growth and the asymptotic KPZ scaling.

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