
We study perturbations of typeB·∇ of Dirichlet operators (L0, D(L0)) associated with Dirichlet forms of typeE0(u,v)=12∫〈∇u,∇v〉HdμonL2(E,μ) whereEis a finite or infinite dimensional Banach space. HereHdenotes a Hilbert space densely and continuously embedded inE. Assuming quasi-regularity of (E0,D(E0)) we show that there always exists a closed extension ofLu:=L0u+〈B,∇u〉Hthat generates a sub-MarkovianC0-semigroup of contractions onL2(E,μ) (resp.L1(E,μ)), ifB∈L2(E;H,μ) and ∫〈B,∇u〉Hdμ⩽0,u⩾0. IfDis an appropriate core for (L0,D(L0)) we show that there is only one closed extension of (L,D) inL1(E,μ) generating a strongly continuous semigroup. In particular we apply our results to operators of typeΔH+B·∇, whereΔHdenotes the Gross–Laplacian on an abstract Wiener space (E,H,γ) andB=−idE+v, wherevtakes values in the Cameron–Martin spaceH.

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