
The aim of the present paper is to introduce a unified notion of Laplacians on discrete and metric graphs. In order to cover all self-adjoint vertex conditions for the associated metric graph Laplacian, we develop systematically a new type of discrete graph operators acting on a decorated graph. The decoration at each vertex of degree d is given by a subspace of $${\mathbb{C}^d}$$ , generalising the fact that a function on the standard vertex space has only a scalar value. We illustrate the abstract concept by giving classical examples throughout the article. Our approach includes infinite graphs as well. We develop the notion of exterior derivative, differential forms, Dirac and Laplace operators in the discrete and metric case, using a supersymmetric framework. We calculate the (supersymmetric) index of the discrete Dirac operator generalising the standard index formula involving the Euler characteristic of a graph. Finally, we show that for finite graphs, the corresponding index for the metric Dirac operator agrees with the discrete one.

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