
With femtosecond-laser direct writing (fs-LDW) maturing in all aspects as a manufacturing technology, a toolset for quality assurance must be developed. In this work we introduce a first of its kind test artifact. Test artifacts are standardized 3D models with specific geometric features to evaluate the performance of writing parameters. Test artifacts are already common in other 3D additive manufacturing technologies e.g. selective laser melting. The test artifact introduced in this work was developed in particular to accommodate (1) the high geometrical resolution of fs-LDW structures and (2) the limited possibilities to examine the resulting structure. Geometric accuracy, surface adhesion as well as confocal Raman spectroscopy results were considered when evaluating the design of the test artifact. We will explain the individual features and design considerations of our fs-LDW test artifact. The difference between two slicers, Cura and 3DPoli, and the implications on measured feature sizes and the general shape is quantified. The measured geometries are used to derive a general design guide for a specific combination of photoresists, laser power and scanning speed and to analyze the geometric accuracy of a structure produced using these guidelines. The shown test artifact is publicly available as STL file on GitHub (https://github.com/BAMresearch/2PP-TestArtifact) and in the supplement.

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