
A new species of the subgenus Solenopora (Neosolenopora) is described from upper Eocene, yellow-green, sandy-Micaceous clay filling, a pre-Paleogene excavation in a Precambrian surface at Ingulets, Dnepropetrovsk Province, 'USSR. The new species is Solenopora (Neosolenopora) multiformis. Excellent detail of the thalli is preserved and considerable anatomical and morphological detail is presented The discovery of this form constitutes the third report of Solenopora in the Cenozoic of Western Eurojie. The plants are associated with large nurnbetS of right valves from the pelecypod, Ostrea callifera Lam var. sokolovi Klushn. Other invertebrates associated with algal remains are Spondylus, Serpula and Nummulites. Paleoecological interpretation of the occurrence of the algal remains is given as a rocky shoal inhabited by a biocoenosis of sublittoral habit in depths of not more than 10–20 m. — F. M. Hueber.

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