
Electromagnetic (EM) resistivity tools measure the electrical properties of downhole formations that are critical in determining the hydrocarbon saturation of a reservoir. In complex and heterogeneous reservoirs, both horizontal and vertical formation resistivities are required to obtain an accurate hydrocarbon saturation. For decades, wireline multicomponent induction type measurements have provided reliable determination of formation anisotropy, structural dip, and dip azimuth in wells with any orientation relative to the bedding planes. Logging-while-drilling (LWD) multi-array propagation resistivity tools have also demonstrated similar capability in deviated wells where the relative dip angle is between 45° and 90°. However, measuring anisotropy and dip in wells with a low relative dip angle still poses difficulties for LWD propagation resistivity systems because of the antenna structures employed. This paper describes the development of a new LWD EM sensor equipped with an innovative, co-located, tilted antenna structure. The tool, along with a unique processing scheme, enables the determination of horizontal and vertical resistivity as well as the dip angle and the azimuth of the formation based on an assumption of transversely isotropic (TI) formation models (Graciet and Shen, 1998) while drilling in real time. The co-located sensor design is capable of acquiring multicomponent signals that are sensitive to formation anisotropy and structural dip in wells at any orientation. Modeling studies and several field trials have proven that the design concept can detect these formation properties at any arbitrary wellbore deviation. This paper presents test results from the new technology, together with reference measurements from azimuthally compensated LWD and fully triaxial wireline resistivity measurements. A good comparison is observed in these trials, providing an independent verification of the tool performance. The azimuthal measurements of the new sensors allow for determining formation anisotropy and dip at any wellbore deviation (Bittar et al., 2011b; Bittar et al., 2012), as well as providing 360° azimuthal resistivity and geosignals and allowing a three-dimensional (3D) resistivity mapping technique for real-time decisions. Integrating the co-located antennas with deep-reading antennas in a near-bit collar further provides both anisotropy measurements and ultradeep signals very close to the bit and enhances look-ahead detection ranges for LWD applications.

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