
The south of Western Siberia is an important part of the Eurasian loess belt, containing an extensive record of Quaternary landscape and climate evolution in up to 100 m thick loess deposits with as many as 10 pedocomplexes. However, this important Quaternary archive lacks a reliable absolute chronology, and this has prevented the linking of the widely accepted regional chronostratigraphic correlations with those of other parts of the Eurasian loess belt. Here we present the first results of detailed luminescence dating of the Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequence at the Western Siberian stratotype section of Lozhok. According to the classical regional chronostratigraphic scheme, this sequence records the main stages of the environmental evolution of the region, including three palaeosols correlated with the warming stages of MIS 5e, MIS 5c and MIS 3. Our absolute chronology is based on 38 new luminescence ages (OSL, IR 50 , pIRIR 290 ). Good agreement between the OSL and pIRIR 290 ages suggests sufficient bleaching before deposition. The resulting chronology reveals that, rather than being only Upper Pleistocene in age, the loess-palaeosol sequence at Lozhok actually formed in the Middle and Upper Pleistocene. The ages of individual horizons do not correspond to the previously accepted stratigraphic units and morphological features of pedocomplexes. Our Bayesian chronological model reveals remarkable variation in dust accumulation and preservation at the site. The new results unambiguously identify the presence of an erosional boundary with a hiatus lasting ∼90 ka. The upper pedocomplex, immediately below this discontinuity, formed in sediment deposited between 131 ± 9 ka and 122 ± 11 ka and clearly corresponds to MIS 5. The lower pedocomplex is found in sediment deposited between 240 ± 12 and 199 ± 9 ka, and correlates closely with MIS 7. These new findings demonstrate the urgent need for a wider programme to date the main stratotypes of loess-palaeosol sections in Western Siberia. Only then can the global implications of the regional climate record in this important continental-scale archive be correctly interpreted.

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