
Two strains of urease‐positive thermophilic Campylobacter (UPTC), CF89–12 and CF89–14, which were identified as UPTC by biochemical characterization, were found for the first time in river water in the Far East, namely, in Japan. The biochemical characteristics were identical to those of strains described previously by Bolton and colleagues. Furthermore, these two strains were positive for arylsulphatase. Consequently, it was demonstrated that UPTC may possibly be differentiated phenotypically from Campylobacter lari by the arylsulphatase test, as well as urease and nalidixic acid tests. Analysis by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after digestion with Apa I, Sal I and Sma I, which were found to produce distributions of DNA fragments to be suitable for analysis of the genomic DNA from the thermophilic Campylobacter, respectively, demonstrated that these three restriction enzymes produced distributions of a relatively limited number of genomic DNA fragments and also demonstrated that the PFGE profiles obtained with the three restriction enzymes were indistinguishable between the two strains, respectively. The PFGE analysis and conventional fixed‐field agarose gel electrophoresis suggested that the both genomes were approximately 1862 kb in length. Even though the two isolates of UPTC were isolated from water in different rivers in Japan, the results suggested that a single strain. as opposed to two distinct strains, was isolated. PFGE profiles after digestion with Sal I and Sma I, respectively, were also demonstrated to be distinctly different among strains isolated in Japan and previously in Europe. This is the first example of the isolation of UPTC from natural sources in countries other than those in Europe.

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