
For the first time, the presence of the invasive amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus (Stebbing, 1899) was established in the watercourse of the basin of Lake Vodlozero (Novguda River, a tributary of the Ileksa River), which is located on the territory of the National Park “Vodlozersky” (North-West Russia). The new habitat is at a considerable distance from the previously known ones. The shortest route through water bodies (Ileksa River–Vodlozero Lake–Sukhaya Vodla River–Vodla River–Onega Lake) is about 180 km. This raises questions about the path and mode of spread of the invasive species. Along with migration through water bodies, it is proposed to consider the version of introduction of amphipods by tourists, in particular fishermen, with equipment or bait. A detailed survey of the littoral zone of Lake Vodlozero is recommended to determine the extent of the invasive settlement.

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