
For the first time. a deep-water Lower Carbon iferous siliciclastic turbidite-olistostrome unit with many lydites (partly distally turbiditic) can be dated in the Incirbeleni Formation of the Tavas Nappe (Lycian nappes) in southwestern Turkey. These nappes belong to a Hercynian Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous flysch Belt that is also known from the Karaburun Zone in western Turkey. A conodont fauna, consisting mainly of Gnathodus bilineatus and few Lochricea commutata without nodose Lochriea species allows the dating of cherty limestone olistoliths as middle to early late Visean age (Visean 2 10 lower Visean 3). The Lower Carboniferous Hercynian deep-sea turbidites and olistostromes confirm a northern origin for the Lycian nappes and a minimum north-south nappe transport of approximatly 200 km. Nevertheless, the Tavas Nappe originated to the south of the Izmir-Ankara Zone because the ophiolites of the Izmir - Ankara Zone follow in nappe position above the Tavas Nappe.

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